Online Teaching Tools
Creative Teaching and Learning Graphic Equaliser Tool
The Graphic Equaliser was created by Education Scotland as an interactive tool for educators to explore and assess how creative the learning experience and teaching is...
Online Teaching Tools
Everything is Creative: online infographic and meme maker
Everything Is creative is an online digital poster/meme/infographic making tool that offers educators the capacity to do the following: • Build creativity infographics that relate creativity skills directly to their own practice, learners, subjects and themes...
Online Teaching Tools
Scotland on Screen
An exciting educational resource that puts hundreds of important historical film texts online, providing students with a rear-view mirror on our society over the past century...
Online Teaching Tools
Silver of the Stars creative learning resource
An online tool that uses Scotland’s most exciting contemporary collection of silver, Silver of the Stars, as the inspiration for creative learning...
Creativity Toybox #10 - how many ways to catch a bear?
Online Teaching Tools
Moving Image Education
Moving Image Education is an online focus for educators to help young people analyse, question, explore and understand the meaning of what they are seeing...
Online Teaching Tools
Scottish Screen Archive
The Scottish Screen Archive is a free film and video collection of over 100 years of Scotland's history, offering more than 32,000 items...
Online Teaching Tools
Embracing Failure: Building a Growth Mindset Through the Arts
Edutopia article on how to teach your students the recipe for success: taking risks, making mistakes, and integrating critical feedback...
Online Teaching Tools
Screening Shorts
On this website, you will find a collection of superb downloadable films (fiction, animation and factual) suitable for primary and secondary school audiences to help teachers deliver moving image education (MIE)...
Online Teaching Tools
Expressive Arts National Network Centre
A new professional learning community for expressive arts has been set up within glow...
Online Teaching Tools
British Film Institute Education Site
Curious or passionate about film and television...
Online Teaching Tools
Rock Operator
A collaboration between geologists, teachers, and artists that explores the igneous rock and geology of Arthur's Seat and Salisbury Crags - including an 8 minute animation, lesson activities, an online game and geological information for pupils...
Online Teaching Tools
Career Education Standard 3-18: Learning Resource 5 Introduction to Creativity Skills
This is one of a suite of learning resources which provides support to develop practice related to the Career Education Standard (CES)...
Creativity Toybox #4 - a million metaphors
The TED Interview: Sir Ken Robinson (still) wants an education revolution
Online Teaching Tools
Languages on Screen
An exciting new educational resource that puts French, German, Spanish and Italian - and soon Gaelic - short films online for free download and use in schools across Scotland...
Online Teaching Tools
The Space
The Space is a new way to access and experience all of the arts – for free...
Online Teaching Tools
Information is Beautiful
A blog dedicated to distilling the world’s data, information and knowledge into beautiful, interesting and, above all, useful visualizations, infographics and diagrams...
The Power to Create - RSA Shorts
Creativity Toybox - Introduction