Research and Policy
Ken Muir Report Sketchnote
Research and Policy
A Culture Strategy for Scotland
A Culture Strategy for Scotland shows how important culture is to Scotland’s prosperity and sets the future direction for supporting culture in Scotland...
Online Teaching Tools
Rock Operator
A collaboration between geologists, teachers, and artists that explores the igneous rock and geology of Arthur's Seat and Salisbury Crags - including an 8 minute animation, lesson activities, an online game and geological information for pupils...
Online Teaching Tools
Knot your average sheep...
Popularising mathematics the ovine way...
Online Teaching Tools
Art Project
Explore museums from around the world, discover and view hundreds of artworks at incredible zoom levels, and even create and share your own collection of masterpieces...
Back to School: STEM Skills and Creativity with Dynamic Earth
Creative Partners
Creative & Cultural Skills
Creative & Cultural Skills works to create fair and inclusive opportunities for young people within the creative and cultural sectors...
Creative Partners
The Flummix STEM-Antics workshops and shows successfully unite the arts and STEM subjects to develop skills in creativity, computational thinking and confidence...
“Science and arts are not an either/or...”
—Creative Industries Federation
Online Teaching Tools
Young Engineers and Science Clubs
A network of over 430 science, engineering and technology clubs throughout Scotland, with a membership of more than 5,000 young people engaging in practical hands-on science and engineering activities to enthuse them to pursue a career in science...
Creative Partners
Eco Drama
Eco Drama are passionate about making quality theatre and creative learning experiences for children and young people which nurture a sense of curiosity, wonder and care for our natural world and remind us we are part of an amazing living planet...
Online Teaching Tools
TED - The Creative Spark
Over 300 filmed talks on a broad range of creative themes by some of the leading speakers and innovators...