Research and Policy
A Culture Strategy for Scotland
A Culture Strategy for Scotland shows how important culture is to Scotland’s prosperity and sets the future direction for supporting culture in Scotland...
Research and Policy
Ken Muir Report Sketchnote
Online Teaching Tools
Scotland on Screen
An exciting educational resource that puts hundreds of important historical film texts online, providing students with a rear-view mirror on our society over the past century...
Online Teaching Tools
Scottish Screen Archive
The Scottish Screen Archive is a free film and video collection of over 100 years of Scotland's history, offering more than 32,000 items...
Creative Partners
Scottish Poetry Library
The Scottish Poetry Library brings people and poems together...
Online Teaching Tools
Rock Operator
A collaboration between geologists, teachers, and artists that explores the igneous rock and geology of Arthur's Seat and Salisbury Crags - including an 8 minute animation, lesson activities, an online game and geological information for pupils...
Creative Partners
Culture Heritage Learning https://www...
Creative Partners
WE Schools
WE Schools is a unique, four-step active citizenship programme that inspires young people to identify the local and global issues that spark their passion, and empowers them with the skills and tools to make change...
Online Teaching Tools
Forest Pitch
Forest Pitch is an exciting art project by Scottish artist Craig Coulthard, creating a full size football pitch hidden deep within woodland in the Scottish Borders...
Inspiring Moments
Our Fragile Earth
A case study of a whole school interdisciplinary project Hidden Giants was invited to work with St Vincents Primary, a Catholic school in East Kilbride, a new town on the outskirts of south Glasgow...
Whole-school creativity challenge - Cawdor Primary School
Online Teaching Tools
Marks on the Landscape
An interdisciplinary creative learning and teaching resource based around Fife Earth, an ambitious land regeneration project...
Creative Partners
My Place Photography Learning Project
The My Place Photography Learning Project is an architecture and built environment project for young people of school age and took place between 2013 and 2015...
Creative Partners
Citizens Theatre
The Citizens Theatre presents a mixture of contemporary versions of classic plays and new Scottish drama...
Online Teaching Tools
Sound Editing in Audacity for Oral Historians
This course is intended for oral historians but may be useful to anyone interested in editing spoken word files (mp3, wav etc...
Creative Partners
Centre for the Moving Image - Edinburgh Filmhouse, Belmont Filmhouse (Aberdeen) & Edinburgh Internat
Centre For the Moving Image (CMI) is the umbrella organisation for Edinburgh Filmhouse, Belmont Filmhouse (Aberdeen) and Edinburgh International Film Festival...
Online Teaching Tools
Kist o Riches
Online resource containing thousands of oral recordings recorded in Scotland and further afield, from the 1930s onwards...
Creativity and Social Studies at Woodhead Primary School
Creative Partners
National Galleries of Scotland
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