Research and Policy
Ken Muir Report Sketchnote
Research and Policy
A Culture Strategy for Scotland
A Culture Strategy for Scotland shows how important culture is to Scotland’s prosperity and sets the future direction for supporting culture in Scotland...
“An inherent link seems to exist between creativity and science and mathematics education...”
—Creative Little Scientists, EU Funded Research Project
“Science and arts are not an either/or...”
—Creative Industries Federation
Creative Partners
Creative & Cultural Skills
Creative & Cultural Skills works to create fair and inclusive opportunities for young people within the creative and cultural sectors...
Creative Partners
The Flummix STEM-Antics workshops and shows successfully unite the arts and STEM subjects to develop skills in creativity, computational thinking and confidence...
Inspiring Moments
Creative Change Pilot Project - report
The final, and extremely visual, report on Education Scotland’s Creative Change Pilot Project which paired up educators with deep challenges and creative catalysts who could bring fresh perspectives, creative approaches and a full suit of creativity skills to the problem...
Creative Partners
Royal Scottish National Orchestra
The RSNO’s pioneering learning and engagement programme, Music for Life, aims to engage the people of Scotland with music across key stages of life: Early Years, Nurseries and Schools, Teenagers and Students, Families, Accessing Lives, Working Lives and Retired and Later Life...