Online Teaching Tools
Scotland on Screen
An exciting educational resource that puts hundreds of important historical film texts online, providing students with a rear-view mirror on our society over the past century...
Online Teaching Tools
Scottish Screen Archive
The Scottish Screen Archive is a free film and video collection of over 100 years of Scotland's history, offering more than 32,000 items...
Online Teaching Tools
Rock Operator
A collaboration between geologists, teachers, and artists that explores the igneous rock and geology of Arthur's Seat and Salisbury Crags - including an 8 minute animation, lesson activities, an online game and geological information for pupils...
Online Teaching Tools
Information is Beautiful
A blog dedicated to distilling the world’s data, information and knowledge into beautiful, interesting and, above all, useful visualizations, infographics and diagrams...
Online Teaching Tools
Live UnLtd
Live UnLtd backs people aged 11-21 who want to change their world for the better...
Online Teaching Tools
TED - The Creative Spark
Over 300 filmed talks on a broad range of creative themes by some of the leading speakers and innovators...
Online Teaching Tools
Sound Editing in Audacity for Oral Historians
This course is intended for oral historians but may be useful to anyone interested in editing spoken word files (mp3, wav etc...
Online Teaching Tools
Kist o Riches
Online resource containing thousands of oral recordings recorded in Scotland and further afield, from the 1930s onwards...
Online Teaching Tools
8 1/2 Foundation
8 1/2 Foundation is a Scottish-based not-for-profit organisation dedicated to introducing world cinema to children...
Online Teaching Tools
Art Project
Explore museums from around the world, discover and view hundreds of artworks at incredible zoom levels, and even create and share your own collection of masterpieces...
Online Teaching Tools
The John Byrne Award - Edinburgh only
The John Byrne Award presents sixth-year pupils with a unique challenge...
Online Teaching Tools
National Trust for Scotland Schools Resources
This section contains practical information about class visits to Trust sites, including planning your visit, and free resources for curriculum-based work...
Online Teaching Tools
Forest Pitch
Forest Pitch is an exciting art project by Scottish artist Craig Coulthard, creating a full size football pitch hidden deep within woodland in the Scottish Borders...
Online Teaching Tools
Marks on the Landscape
An interdisciplinary creative learning and teaching resource based around Fife Earth, an ambitious land regeneration project...